Community Supported Agriculture
Members pay for a "share" or the harvest before the season begins. This money
is used for seeds and other needs as well as providing a guaranteed income for the grower(s). In return, the grower works
hard to cultivate and produce high quality foods for the members. SInce nature has the last say in what happens,
members and growers share in the bounty and set-backs of the season--such as insects, heavy rains, late frosts, crop
failures and other unforseen natural troubles.
Here in Ottawa, the season lasts anywhere from 16-20 weeks unless greenhouses
are used to extend the season.
Once harvesting begins in late spring or early summer, members receive boxes
(bags, baskets) of produce. first to arrive are radish, lettuce, spinach, peas, and other cool weather crops. Next comes
warmer weather crops like squash, cucumber, tomato, peppers, etc. As each week progresses, more varieties become available.
Sometimes the weekly bags are very heavy and literally bursting with abundance.
Since we are connected to other producers, we can provide access to other
food items like farm fresh eggs and meats, honey, sunflowers and certified fair trade organic coffees at discounted prices.
that's a bonus.
The key to the CSA experience is to "know your grower". By supporting local
growers, you are able to reduce the waste of precious natural resources. Instead of relying on imported foods that travel
from far across the globe, we can reduce pollution and excessive use of petroleum products like oil, fuel, and agro-chemicals
by purchasing local grown organic goods. It's worth the effort.
"Reconnecting the human spirit with Mother Earth".
Left to right--Catherine, Carin, Mani, Kame & Joel...playing "horsey" on Catherine & Joel's farm outside
of Rockland, Ontario.